You’ve probably read about the Esmond family, who were vacationing in the Virgin Islands when they were exposed to a neurotoxin used as a pesticide. Mr. Esmond, who was an official at Tatnall, and his sons have been left paralyzed; thankfully, Mrs. Esmond has had a more successful recovery.
Time has faded the memory of the story in most people’s minds but the Esmond family is still working every day toward recovery, with the unflagging support of those at the A.I. DuPont Children’s Hospital.
The Esmonds were impressive athletes that are part of our CrossFit Riverfront family, and the box is holding a workout on their behalf to raise funds for A.I.
The donation page for the event is here. Attendees (participants and spectators) of the October 3rd event will have the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for gift baskets sponsored by Reebok, Hylete, Caveman Coffee, local businesses and more. Please consider supporting A.I. in the name of the Esmond boys.