2 more movies before The Avengers.

Arguably the best Avenger movie yet.

This week, we watched Iron man.


Plot: Tony Stark is a wealthy man and head of Stark Industries, a company that builds advanced weapons and defense technologies, that his father started many years ago. The movie starts with him in Afghanistan, showing the US military his newest weapon, “The Jericho”. They are ambushed by the enemy, and Tony is wounded by a missle and captured. He wakes up, prisoned by terrorists, in a cave with another man, Doctor Yinsen, who has built an electromagnet built into Tony’s chest to stop the shrapnel from entering his heart. The terrorists want them to build a powerful missile. Tony refuses, and they torture him. He finally agrees, and Dr. Yinsen and Tony begin. But wait!!! During the process of building the missile, they ***Don’t tell anyone! They start building a robotic suit of armor!!***…so yeah. Also they build a powerful electric generator called an arc reactor for Tony’s chest, in place of the magnet. It’s also much more mobile! Eventually, the terrorists figure out what Tony and Yinsen are doing and go down to stop them, but by then it is too late. Tony fights his way out of the cave, and Yinsen sacrifices himself for Tony. He blows up all the missile parts, flies away, anddddd crashes into the desert. He is saved by the US, and returns home. After returning, he announces that his company will no longer make weapons.

What will happen next???


My Thoughts

Plot: 8.9/10

Acting: I dunno haha good?

Entertainment Value: 9/10

Overall rating: 8.5/10

I liked this movie more than all of the other Avengers movies. It had a lot of action in it, and I really just like me some Robert Downey Jr.

This movie had a lot of classic rock in it too….just thought it was worth mentioning 🙂

Other Stuff

This movie, like all the other Avengers movies, had violence, but not graphic at all. There is a sex scene in the beginning of the movie, but it doesn’t show anything.


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