real steel poster

real steel poster

We saw Real Steel last night with our mom and uncle, and I had mixed feelings about it.

Ok, so the whole movie is about boxing robots in the future, but they fight in like alleyways and parking lots and abandoned zoos so it has this underground type feel to it, and it just seems kind of ridiculous and lame. When the robots are fighting, those are usually pretty good scenes, except they montage some fights which I think they shouldn’t have done.

There are also some scenes in the movie that were so embarrassing, Mom told me afterwards that she wanted to whisper in the character’s ear, “I’m so embarrassed for you.”  If you can get past the embarrassing scenes and the ridiculous idea, then yeah, its a good movie I guess.

I’d say a 7.4/10. Way better than Green Lantern, not nearly as good as Warrior.

I’d say anybody over the age of 9 could handle it, unless your kid is particularly sensitive to violence.

P.S. The main kid looks like Anakin Skywalker from episode 1 LOL

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