Capture the beauty of Delaware flora and fauna and enter to win the 2016 Nature Photography Contest at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge.

Capture the beauty of Delaware flora and fauna and enter to win this nature photography contest!

piping plover

The Prime Hook Delmarva Nature Photography Contest is open to submissions! Photographers of all ages and levels of experience are invited to send in their best shots in the following categories:

  • Delmarva Scenery (landscapes or seascapes, taken in Delaware or on the eastern Shores of MD or VA)
  • Native Birds (banded is OK)
  • Other Native Wildlife (fish, insects, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, etc.)
  • Native Flowers and Plants (emphasis on native!)
  • The Beauty of Prime Hook (must have been taken within the Refuge’s boundaries)

Photographs must be mailed or hand delivered to the Refuge Office on or before October 16, 2016. Entries will be displayed in the auditorium from October 23rd to December 11th, 2016. If you’re unable to pick up your photo at that time, you’ll need to also hand in a self addressed stamped envelope or it will become property of the Refuge.

Professional photographers will be doing the judging and winners announced at a reception, with the exception of the “People’s Choice Award,” which will be announced at the end of the exhibition. First, Second, and Third Place winners in each category and student winners will receive monetary awards, and a Grand Prize will be awarded to the “Best in Show.”

Digital photographs are acceptable in all categories, but prints no larger than 12″ x 16″ (unframed, matted in white) can be submitted. There are a number of rules about the matting to be followed that you should check on before entering.

If submitting a print entry in person, make sure you call the Refuge office first to ensure someone is there to receive it. There is an entry fee of $5 per photograph or 6 for $25, but student entries are free. Be aware that your photo may be used for promotional purposes or fundraising.

Read the full list of rules here. 

Other photography contests ending this fall:

Delaware Fishing Photo Contest, October 31st
The Weather Channel’s It’s Amazing Out There Photo Contest, September 30th’s 14th Annual Photo Contest, open until November 30th

You can find out more about those here.

Good luck!