Show them how your love can grow! Order a bare root tree from the Delaware Center for Horticulture.
Last day for orders is February 17, and the trees (measuring 6 – 12 feet tall, but light enough for a child to carry) can be picked up at TheDCH in Wilmington on March 21st or March 22nd, between 9am and 5pm. Must be pre-paid.
A free Planting & Caring for Bare Root Trees workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 21st at 5pm (pizza will be served!).
BONUS! With your bare root tree purchase, you receive 4 FREE tickets to the Delaware Home Show in March:
- March 3rd & 4th at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington
- March 23rd & 24th at the Dover Downs Hotel in Dover
Tickets can be redeemed at either show.
The 10 varieties of bare root trees available for purchase this spring were specifically selected to thrive in this area.
- Amur Maackia
- Brandywine Maple
- Columnar European Hornbeam
- Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
- Dawn Redwood
- Prairifire Crabapple
- Princess Diana Serviceberry
- Rivers Purple Beech
- Swamp White Oak
- Turkish Filbert
Pictures and descriptions of each type of tree plus ordering information can be found on the DCH website.
Every Tree Counts
TheDCH plants hundreds of trees in towns and cities throughout Delaware each year and tracks where new trees are being planted throughout the state. Trees planted anywhere in the tri-state region count toward the Plant One Million campaign, an initiative planting a million trees across 13 counties in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. Trees planted in the City of Wilmington also count toward the 20,000 by 2020 campaign.