Ever think about trying a CrossFit class? Join a free Community WOD on Saturday, November 28th at CrossFit Riverfront and see what you’ve been missing. WODs will begin at 8 and 10am and generally last about 45 minutes (including a warmup). Everyone is invited; you don’t need to know a member to attend, but kids should be ages 12 and up.
My 15 year old son and I have been members at CrossFit Riverfront for three years now and it’s a vital part of our lives.
Anyone can do CrossFit, as workouts can be scaled to your ability: lower weight, fewer reps, modified exercises, etc. And yet, every WOD (workout of the day) is a workout— pushing everyone to work their hardest. Because the WOD is constantly changing, CrossFit never becomes easy or boring.
For those of us that are (cough) not so disciplined when it comes to exercise, it’s great to know that all you need to do is show up. The workouts have been decided for you and your coach will thoroughly explain the movements so you know what to do, correct your form so you don’t injure yourself, and call you out and cheer you on so you don’t slack off. For runners, CrossFit is excellent cross-training or a way to stay conditioned all winter long.
Check it out Saturday— hope to see you there! CrossFit Riverfront will also be offering great discounts that day, so make sure to take a look at the front desk. Stay in shape through the holiday season or give the gift of health to someone you love this Christmas!