Delaware college fair
Got a junior in high school? Maybe an undecided senior or forward thinking sophomore? Here are some Delaware college fairs for the 2016-2017 school year.

Got a junior in high school? Maybe an undecided senior or forward thinking sophomore? Here are some Delaware college fairs for the 2016-2017 school year.

Delaware college fairs

Delaware College Fairs


Note: this list will be continually updated as more fairs/details become available. Click each link for more info and participating colleges.

Christina School District College Fair

October 25th, 2016 
6 to 8pm

This college fair will be held at Glasgow High School (1901 S. College Ave, Newark, DE 19702).

Central Delaware College Night

November 1st, 2016
7 to 9pm

The only county wide College Night activity held in Central Delaware, Central Delaware College Night will be at Polytech High School at 823 Walnut Shade Road in Woodside. Students from the following high schools are invited: Caesar Rodney, Campus Community, Dover High, Lake Forest, Polytech, Smyrna High School, Thomas More.

New Castle County College Night

November 2nd, 2016
6:30 to 9pm

The 59th Annual New Castle County College Night is free and open to the public. There will be a DOE financial aid info session at 6:15 (doors open at 6pm). This college fair takes place at the Bob Carpenter Center at the University of Delaware and is usually a pretty big one.

Southern Delaware College Night

November 3rd, 2016
7 to 9pm

Southern Delaware College Night will be held in the Sussex Technical High School gymnasium (17099 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947). This is the only county-wide College Night for Southern Delaware. Students from the following high schools are invited: Cape Henlopen, Delmar, Laurel, Milford, Seaford, Sussex Central, Sussex Tech, Indian River, Woodbridge.

Delaware College Night

April 6th, 2017
7 to 9pm

Mark your calendars! The public is welcome to attend this spring college fair at Paul M. Hodgson Vocational Technical High School (2575 Glasgow Ave in Newark).


Know of more Delaware college fairs? Let us know and we will add them!

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