DNREC’s DuPont Nature Center at Mispillion Harbor Reserve is seeking volunteers for its 2015 season. Two volunteer training days will be held at the center:
- Wednesday, April 8th 6:00 – 8:30 pm
- Saturday, April 25th 1:00 – 4 pm
Learn about spawning horseshoe crabs, migratory shorebirds, fish and shellfish to better educate visitors about DNREC’s DuPont Nature Center and surrounding Bayshore Region.
Participants must be registered DuPont Nature Center volunteers to attend. Preregister for training by emailing Dawn Webb Cox at dawn.cox@state.de.us.
The DuPont Nature Center will reopen for the season on Wednesday, April 1st after being closed for the winter. Spring and summer hours from April 1st through August 30th will be 10 am to 4 pm Tuesday through Sunday. For the month of September, the center will be open 10 am to 4 pm Wednesdays and Saturdays only.
The center is located at 2992 Lighthouse Road, near Slaughter Beach, east of Milford. Admission is free and open to the public.