See 7 Delaware historical sites for only $12 AND get a $25 gift certificate to Harry's Savoy or Seafood Grill.

delaware historical society offers discounted trail of two cities and gift certificate to Harry's Savoy

If you are into local history, or historical architecture, or really delicious food, you may seriously want to check this out.


Trail of Two Cities: One-time admission to seven historic Delaware sites for $12 (that’s 50% off).


through October 31st 2010.


Old New Castle

  • Read House & Gardens
  • Amstel House
  • Dutch House


  • Corbit-Sharp House
  • Wilson-Warner House
  • Collins-Sharp House
  • 19th century Odessa Bank


Well, for beginners, that’s a good price to check out some local history. Some of those houses date back to colonial times, and George Washington was once a visitor in Amstel House.

BUT if you get your Trail of Two Cities ticket punched at each of these locations before October 31st, you can send it in to receive a $25 gift certificate to Harry’s Savoy or Seafood Grill! Whoop whoop!

I’ve never eaten at Harry’s Seafood Grill (I can’t really do seafood) but I’ve heard great things; I HAVE eaten at Harry’s Savoy and I can’t wait to go back! Fantastico– plus, Harry’s “farm to table approach uses fresh seasonal ingredients from local farms,” which is pretty awesome. Love to support restaurants who support our local farmers.

Fine print here.

(Thanks go out to Gregory Coin for alerting me to this deal- here’s his more detailed overview of the historic sites on the tour.)

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