Taken by our birdfeeder cam

Photo taken by our birdfeeder cam

How many species of wildlife can be found in the Philadelphia region? The City Nature Challenge is a global “competition” documenting the biodiversity of cities.

If you’re going to be in any of the participating counties (Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery, and Bucks counties in PA and Camden, Gloucester, and Burlington counties in NJ) any time from Friday, April 26th to Monday, April 29th, you can play citizen scientist and help Philly “win.”

You just need to download the iNaturalist app or use their website, iNaturalist.org, to document the species you come across; you can also see others’ observations as they come in. Over 3 million have signed up to participate as of two weeks ago!

I love these sorts of activities because it really is incredible how many different species you can find once you take the time to sit and look around. I’ve never once been disappointed.

It’s a fun, family friendly way to learn about local wildlife while helping the scientific community!

Learn more about the Philadelphia City Nature Challenge here and let us know if you participate. Maybe next year we can get Wilmington registered as a city competitor!

Dragonfly, also taken in our yard