kids summer bucket list


So, since every year I get arguments over what I mean by summer bucket list, allow me to clarify:

I’m not implying that I’m gonna kick the bucket, or my kids are gonna kick the bucket.

These are the things the kids want to do before SUMMER kicks the bucket: that is, before September 22nd at 4:44pm EST.




kids summer bucket list



A couple of notes:

  • Eva is my brother’s daughter. This one is a gimme, they live like 15 minutes away. Whoop whoop!
  • Both Cass and Jake stipulated that a PARTY means people that aren’t related to us show up. I am amused that this needed clarification.
  • Mav’s originally only asked for a movie, but I saw a friend post that her daughter asked for two movies and that sounded too fun to not add.
  • Overall I think this looks doable!


Did your kids make a summer to-do list? What’s on it?



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