Attention ghost hunters! Loads of paranormal investigations happening at Fort Delaware this fall.

Fort Delaware paranormal investigations

Paranormal Adventures allows visitors (ages 13 and older) to participate in an actual investigation of Fort Delaware with Delaware Ghost Hunters, Inc. The tour explores areas where paranormal activity has been suspected, and investigators will use EMFs, data recorders, and temperature sensors trying to capture unusual sights and sounds.  Visitors can bring their own equipment as long as it is easy to transport.

The program is 3 hours long and begins with a short introduction at the fort entrance, after which groups of 10 will be taken to the various areas of investigation. Tours are held September 18 and 24, and October 2, 9, 15 and 16, at 6:30 and 9:30 pm.

  • $40 per participant.
  • Dress for weather and walking; no open-toed shoes.
  • Rain or shine. Canceled only in the event of severe weather, making the boat ride unsafe.

Junior Investigators ages 8 to 12 and accompanied by an adult can learn the fundamentals of paranormal investigation September 18th from 2:30 – 5 pm. $30 per person.

Expanded Paranormal Investigation (EPI) is for the hardcore ghost hunter. This is an extended, five-hour investigation for 13 and older, held Saturday October 30th at 7pm (Mischief Night, yikes! Too hardcore for me!) $100 per person.

  • Fort Delaware State Park is accessible only by ferry. You should arrive 30 minutes prior to boat departure to check in at the Fort Delaware dock, 45 Clinton Street, Delaware City.
  • All tour lengths include boat travel time.
  • You can make your reservation here.

I’ve never done one of these ghost tours but it sounds like fun! I’ll have to talk Jake into going with me (although he won’t turn 13 until November, shhhh).

I’ve been meaning to take the kids to Fort Delaware anyway. It was one of my favorite places to go as a kid. Has anyone gone recently? It’s been easily two decades since my last visit.

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