Every time I go to vote I think that next time, I should volunteer to work the polls. (And then I promptly forget until next time.) But did you know you can get paid to work those election polls in Delaware?

For the General Election, the state of Delaware hires more than 3,200 election officers to staff polling places. You can also apply to work the primaries, school board, school referenda and special elections.

Election Officers are assigned to work at a polling place in the county they live in. However, college students who are in school at least half the time can also apply to work at a polling place, even though they’re not registered to vote in that county. If they’re under 18, they’ll need to have their parent or guardian sign the application.

You do have to attend training before Election Day and work the entire day; you can’t leave the polling place while the polls are still open. It’s a long day. The polls open at 7am and close at 8, but poll workers have a 6am start and stay after until about 9:30 for cleanup.

Clerks are paid $300, Judges $325, Inspectors $400. It’s not GREAT pay, but it’s nice to know you can help serve your community and make a little money doing it.

The number of clerks hired per polling place depends on the number of voting machines there, along with two judges per polling place, and one Inspector (the Inspector is in charge of the polling place on Election Day).

Find more details and apply for your opportunity to get involved in the election process!

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