Looking for something to occupy your 6-12 year old this summer? All-day spots are still available for American Karate Studios summer camp.
photo courtesy American Karate Studios

My kids have never done summer camp, because by the time it occurs to me— usually somewhere around the end of April— practically everywhere is filled up. Spots are limited at American Karate Studios, but as of right now still available!

These camps run from 9am to 4pm and are for your 6-12 year old. Early dropoff (8 to 9am) and late pickup (4 to 6pm) are included at no extra charge, which is a nice deal.

I’m not intimately acquainted with the karate aspect of this studio, but I did take advantage of a Groupon or Living Social deal a few years back for kickboxing classes at their old location on Polly Drummond Rd (they are now on Kirkwood Highway right by Red Mill Rd). I really enjoyed those classes; they were a great workout in an inviting environment, and everyone that worked there was very nice and accommodating. Fun fact: American Karate Studios’ Jim Clapp and Judy O’Neill (who taught my kickboxing class) are the only Martial Artists to be Inducted into the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame.

All camp coaches will be Level 2 (Federal & State) background checked before being hired, and the camp bills itself as a “Bully-Free Zone”: campers will be taught how to deal with bullying situations, whether the bullying is happening to them or to a friend. The itinerary will include the expected morning exercises and karate classes along with Martial Arts weapons instruction and Fun Friday special activities like board breaking, but it’s not all physical all the time. Kids will also get to do arts and crafts, play games, watch movies, go on field trips, have outside time at local parks and daily “down time.”


Camp sessions are scheduled as follows:

Session 1: June 20th-24th
Session 2: June 27th-July 1st
Session 3: July 5th-8th
Session 4: July 11th-15th
Session 5: July 18th-22nd
Session 6: July 25th-29th

Prices are not listed on the website, which admittedly is a bummer but I’m not shocked. I definitely got more of a low-tech, family run kind of feel from them.

You can get more info and register by calling 302-737-9500, sending a message through their online form or of course heading down there in person and speaking to whoever is at the front desk.

And if you can, try the kickboxing! It’s a GREAT way to blow off steam after work.



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