We’re counting down to the premier of The Avengers, by watching all the movies that lead up to it. This week we review The Incredible Hulk.
The movie starts with flashbacks of people in a laboratory, one of these people being Bruce Banner, the movie’s main character. They are performing an experiment on Bruce when suddenly chaos ensues and there are smashed windows and people being thrown around. Afterwards, Bruce flees and becomes a fugitive.
Okay. Present day, Bruce works in a bottling company in Rio. One day, his blood is accidentally mixed with a soda and shipped, where it is drunk by someone, they die, and the military tracks him by the bottle. They send a team, and they chase Bruce in an awesome chase scene. Eventually he turns into a giant green monster, and fights them all off.
Will Bruce learn to control his anger? Will he lose his fugitive status? Find out in The Incredible Hulk!
My Thoughts
Plot: 7/10
Acting: 9/10
Entertainment Value: 6/10
Overall Rating: 7/10
So this movie was okay, I kinda stopped caring towards the end though, until (somewhat spoiler) Robert Downey Jr. (playing his Iron Man character) approached one of the military figures who was looking for Bruce and asks him about Bruce, telling him he wants to recruit him for a “team” (AKA The Avengers!) So yeah that got me excited.
Other stuff:
Violent explosions and whatnot, same as the other Marvel movies, and this movie has an ALMOST sex scene (they stop because Bruce can’t get “too excited”). It’s not that bad though, soooo 11 and up?
Mom’s Take:
This is stereotypical comic-book fare: flat and washed out. I didn’t care for the casting (Edward Norton and Liv Tyler) and I didn’t care about any of the characters, so I really didn’t care about the plot. Not so bad that I was muttering about getting those hours of my life back, just meh. Cass found some scenes scary enough to leave the room.