RAGTIME is an award-winning musical based on the novel by E.L. Doctorow that captures the American experience at the turn of the 20th century in New York. The story follows three different characters in their pursuits of the American dream: an African-American musician, a Jewish immigrant, and an upper-class mother. Featuring an incredible cast of supporting characters and historical cameos, RAGTIME explores hope and despair, love and hate, and freedom and injustice through the complicated and compelling connections of the human experience.

Mount Pleasant High School Auditorium
Thursday, March 17th 7pm
Friday, March 18th 7pm
Saturday, March 19th 2pm and 7pm

Doors open 45 minutes prior to show time.

Adults – $13
Students – $10
Seniors – $10
Tickets may be purchased at the door or online at www.mphsdrama.com.

Now until March 11th ONLINE ONLY: tickets for $10 (adults) and $8 (students/seniors).

Some language and situations may not be suitable for children. Parental guidance is advised.