sky ball

sky ballMom got a Sky Ball at the Time to Play toy Holiday Showcase in New York. It’s pretty much an apple-sized bouncy ball. We’ve been messing around with it, and here is what we think-


  • bounces really high
  • light
  • outdoor fun for any age
  • portable
  • can withstand the forces of a Saint Bernard puppy’s jaws
  • makes a good ‘boomp’ noise (Mom says thwap, Dad says thoip, Mav says ffp.)
  • inexpensive- Amazon is selling them as 2 Packs for $19.99.


  • dark color makes it easy to lose- we have black, maybe if it was like neon pink it would be better.
  • hard to control (Cassidy said this. We don’t know what she quite meant by this.) (MOM NOTE: I know what she means. It’s not easy to catch with one hand and then it bounces and you have to chase it.)
  • hurts if thrown at you- LOL (MOM NOTE: Cass smacked a pitch straight into my thigh. It was a good hit at close range. Definitely stings for a minute but didn’t leave a mark.)


Just a solid, all-around simple and fun kid toy, invented by the son of the guy who invented the hula hoop. We took it outside and took turns at bat for a good long time. This thing flies, which is awesome for getting the kids to do a bit of extra running around.

There’s a bat specially made for the Sky Ball, which we don’t have, but apparently it takes gameplay to a whole new level: the ball can fly as far as 300 feet after being struck. There’s even a sport built around it with leagues and everything.

The Sky Ball + Bat was named CNBC’s Sports Toy of the Year (2010) and cited as the best thing since the wiffleball; the Maui Toys Sky Bouncin Baseball And Bat Set is currently selling on Amazon for $13ish. You can also buy the set at Toys R Us or Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Check it out!

Disclosure: we received a free Sky Ball at the Time to Play Holiday Showcase in NYC. We were not obligated to post a review, and were not compensated in any way. We just really had fun playing with it.