It’s that time of year again!
Volunteers are still needed for the 7th Annual Acorn Collection Day taking place on Saturday, October 1st.
“We have quite a few volunteers signed up, but we could definitely use more. More volunteers mean more acorns – and more oak trees in the future,” said Lynne Staub, event coordinator for Acorn Collection Day. “Oak trees expand wooded areas and forested corridors that provide valuable habitat – shelter and food – for many native wildlife species. On Acorn Collection Day, we gather acorns from trail edges, mowed areas and roadsides – where seedlings are not likely to grow – and scatter them in reforestation areas where they can grow into trees naturally.”
This is a great way to volunteer with younger kids, for older kids to get those service hours in, not to mention beautify and benefit our shared outdoors.
Acorn collection is from 9am- noon, Saturday, October 1st. Three collection sites, one per county, will have bags and collection materials for volunteers. Pre-register by contacting Lynne Staub at 302-735-3600 or by email, Lynne.Staub@state.de.us.
New Castle County
Rockford Park
West 19th Street and Tower Road
Wilmington, Del. 19802
Meet in front of Rockford Tower
Kent County
Smyrna Rest Area
5500 DuPont Highway
Smyrna, Del. 19977
Meet at the building entrance
Sussex County
Trap Pond State Park
33587 Bald Cypress Lane
Laurel, Del. 19956
Meet at the nature center
To learn more about volunteer opportunities with the Division of Fish and Wildlife, visit www.fw.delaware.gov/volunteers.